45 year old female with Acute gastroenteritis with HBsAg postive
45 year old female Patient complains of vomitings since 2 days (10 episodes)
and had h/o fever since 1 week ,
loose stools since 1 day (2 episodes )
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back later she developed fever which is continuous not relieved with medications and complaints of vomitings 10 episodes since 2 days non bilious containing food particles. C/0 loose stools 10 hrs back 1 episode
No h/o cold,cough, palpitations,tachycardia
H/o typhoid fever 1 year back
Not a k/c/o TB,Asthma, HTN, Epilepsy,DM.
General examination:
Patient conscious, coherent, cooperative
Temp:101 F
PR:94 bpm
BP:130/80 mmhg
Spo2 : 99%
CVS: S1,S2 heard ,no murmurs
Abdomen is obese
Soft,non tender ,no bruits heard
No free fluid,palpable masses
Provisional Diagnosis:
Acute gastroenteritis denovo detected HbsAg positive.
-On the day of adimission
1.IVF RL @50 ml/ hr
2.inj.zofer 4 mg iv TID
3.inj.Pan 40 mg IV OD
4.ORS sachet in 200 ml pot water after every episode of vomitin
-Day 1
1.IVF RL @50 ml/ hr
2.inj.zofer 4 mg iv TID
3.inj.Pan 40 mg IV OD
4.ORS sachet in 200 ml pot water after every episode of vomitin
-Day 2
1.IVF RL @50 ml/ hr
2.inj.zofer 4 mg iv TID
3.inj.Cipro 200 mg in 100 ml IV OD
4.inj.Pan 40 mg IV OD
5.inj.metrogyl in 100 ml NS IV BD
6.ORS sachet in 200 ml pot water after every episode of vomitin
-Day 3
1.IVF RL @50 ml/ hr
2.inj.zofer 4 mg iv TID
3.inj.Cipro 200 mg in 100 ml IV OD
4.inj.Pan 40 mg IV OD
5.inj.metrogyl in 100 ml NS IV BD
6.ORS sachet in 200 ml pot water after every episode of vomitin